Saturday, 29 November 2014

"Tea & Toast & Rock & Roll" - A Small Extract

"Tea & Toast & Rock & Roll" -A Small Extract

Without giving too much away, here's a brief extract from the very start of my new book about going to the Glastonbury Festival in 2014 with my 24 year-old son, for his very first time. This sort of sets the scene for the rest of the book... 

“Are you going to Glastonbury again?”
“Absolutely! Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Can’t wait.”
“Really? Is it that good?”
“Oh, you can’t believe how good it is. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced.”
“Hmm. Not sure if I could cope with it all. All those stinky toilets and sleeping in a tent. Not my cup of tea.”
“You’d be fine. The toilets aren’t that bad and it’s not too bad kipping in a tent. It’s only for a few nights and you’d sleep just fine.”
“Don’t think so. Probably just watch it on the telly. You working there again this time?”
“No, we managed to get tickets. Dead lucky.”
“Oh good! You going by yourself or is Amy going with you?”
“No, she can’t go. She’s working in the school so can’t get the time off. But I’m not going by myself again.”
“Jackie going with you then?”
“No. she can’t either.”
“So …who?”
“Your Thomas?”
“Honestly? Really? Your Thomas is going?”
“Oh yeah. Me and Thomas.”
“Is he that much into it? Didn’t think it’d be his sort of thing.”
“Well, he’s not that much into music and he’s never been camping so, dunno really. Should be interesting.”
“So he’s “Not into music and never been camping”? Are you sure you’re doing the right thing? Will he be ok?”
“Think so. Hope so. He does like his home comforts though. And he doesn’t actually like that much music. It’s not as if he doesn’t like music, but he’s just not that big a music fan. He’s more into football and sport y’know, but he’ll be fine. We’ll have a laugh.”
“You mean he’s not a big music saddo like you?”
“Sort of.”
“So, you’re taking him to Glasto, he likes his home comforts and football and isn’t that much into music? He won’t see any football for five days, it’s the middle of the World Cup and you’re sharing a tent with him? What are you going to do if it’s rainy and muddy? He’s not going to have many of his home comforts, is he?”
Silence ensues.

 "Tea & Toast & Rock & Roll" is available as a Kindle e book here 

and now available as a paperback! (should you so wish) here

(NB.The price of the paperback is set by Amazon's CreateSpace. Apologies for this.This is the lowest I can sell it for & I'm making no royalties on it. But should you want a hard copy-and why not?-this is where to go! I'd just like as many people to read it as possible in whatever format. Thanks!)


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